The “Campus to Cyber” podcast is the digital window to the German University of Digital Science. In a world where education and technology are inevitably merging, this innovative podcast sheds light on the dynamic field of digital science and opens the doors to a campus that knows no boundaries.
In the following episodes (Ep. 10 – Ep. 15), we’re pushing the boundaries of technology by featuring AI avatars speaking with the personalized voices of our renowned professors. Every word you hear is completely AI-generated, making this a 100% AI-recorded podcast experience. Join us as these AI-driven voices lead you through thought provoking discussions on the future of education, innovation, and digital transformation.
Digital Science – Necessity and Purpose
Episode 15: Written by Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen
“Why digital science is essential for progress.”
Educational Innovation Through the Use of AI
Episode 14: Written by German UDS
“AI is reshaping the future of education.”
Educational Campus in the Metaverse
Episode 13: Written by German UDS
“What does learning look like in the Metaverse?”
Assessment Methods for Online Teaching
Episode 12: Written by Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Dr. Thomas Staubitz, Selina Reinhard, Daniel Köhler
“How do we assess learning in a digital classroom?”
Innovative Formats for Online Teaching
Episode 11: Written by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Dr. Thomas Staubitz, Daniel Köhler
“Reimagining online teaching for the digital age.”
Vision of a University of the Digital Tomorrow – The German University of Digital Science
Episode 10: Written by Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
“The future of higher education is digital.”
Behind the Scene
The two founders, Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, at the kick-off of the podcast series.
Please listen to the pilot episode here.
Talk with the German UDS Founding Presidents
Episode 9: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
“What are Micro-Degree Programs?”
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Digital Entrepreneurship
Episode 8: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Dr. Maurice Steinhoff (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management)
“Insights into the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the rise of digital entrepreneurship.”
Digitization Disaster at School and the Future of Education
Episode 7: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and André Daniel-Schornsheim (SMH education solutions GmbH, Potsdam)
“A critical look at the challenges of digitization in schools and its impact on the future of education.”
Digital Transformation and the Preparation for the “Future of Work”
Episode 6: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Dr. Georg Loscher (University of the Bundeswehr München)
“Exploring how digital transformation is shaping the future of work and what preparations are necessary.”
Global University Education – Focus South and Central America
Episode 5: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Valle Garcilazo
“Discussing global education initiatives with a focus on South and Central America.”
IT Structure of the Digital German UDS and Education in Metaverse
Episode 4: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Dr. Jan Renz
“Exploring the IT infrastructure and educational opportunities in the metaverse.”
Interactive Learning Platform and German UDS Academy
Episode 3: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Dr. Thomas Staubitz
“Insights into interactive learning and the German UDS Academy.”
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Episode 2: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Raul Rojas
“Diving into AI’s transformative role in modern education.”
Vision of a University of the Digital Tomorrow
Pilot episode: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen and Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
“Exploring the future of digital education with leading experts.”
Why “Campus to Cyber”? Because the future of education is digital. This podcast is the gateway to the latest developments, debates, and discoveries at the heart of digital transformation.
Under the expert moderation of Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen, one of the university’s founders, we dive deep into the world of digital science. With his passion and expertise, the presenter leads us through 10 to 20 minutes of in-depth conversations that both quench the thirst for knowledge and encourage participation in the digital discourse. Each episode of “Campus to Cyber” offers a unique content benefit: from insights into the development of a new university to information on current research results and discussions on fundamental questions of digitality. The variety of topics and the flexible format guarantee that everyone will find what they are looking for – whether students, academics, experts, or simply digital enthusiasts. The podcast’s target audience is anyone at the interface of education and digital innovation.
With regular episodes every two weeks and a varying cast – sometimes one guest, sometimes two – “Campus to Cyber” always remains fresh, informative, and engaging. Each episode has a catchy title that not only arouses curiosity but also facilitates dissemination in all communication channels of the German University of Digital Science. Teaser text: Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of digital science.
Discover, learn, and discuss with us. “Campus to Cyber” is more than a podcast – it is your window to a world without borders. Welcome to the intersection of knowledge, technology, and community.