Research Center for Digital Science

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen

Digital science should take into account all aspects that have been identified in the concepts of e-Science, e-Infrastructures, Open Science, and Science 2.0 as issues to be considered in policy making. Different terms have been used to describe the development of new ways of conducting scientific activities with ICT, incorporating previous topics and adding a new level. Digital scholarship is the new growth of scholarship and research, consisting of all the existing and new, constantly evolving opportunities provided by communication networks, the digital availability of scientific content, and new activities and interactions enabled by technologies.

Digital science relies heavily on e-Infrastructures to

E-Infrastructures play an essential role in the implementation and expansion of strategies and practices of digital scholarship and practice at the international level and require the work of digital scholarship to advance the scientific development made possible by the technologies.

The dimensions openness of research and collaboration in research make it possible to involve society and citizens in scientific research and scientific discussions in new ways. Citizen participation can be part of global scientific initiatives that are also initiated by citizens and amateur scientists themselves. In this way, new ways of involving citizens in scientific processes become a new instrument and a new method for research itself. Moreover, opening up access to and better communication of scientific knowledge is not only important for scientists, but also enables citizens to be better informed about scientific progress and thus to have more confidence in science-based decision-making.

Affiliated Members

The following Professors and Senior Researchers from the German UDS, along with their scientific collaborators and PhD students, are affiliated with the Research Center for Digital Science:

Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen (Speaker)
Prof. Dr. Sonja Meyer
Prof. Dr. Dirk Draheim
Dr. Marco Bade
Dr. Georg Loscher
Dr. Felix Weitkämper
Dr. Steven Ney