M.Sc. Cybersecurity

M.Sc. Cybersecurity

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The Master’s program Cybersecurity at the German University of Digital Science is an innovative study program that teaches advanced knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity. Whether through viruses, malware or phishing, cyber-attacks on governments, businesses and individuals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and on the rise. The protection of digital systems is becoming increasingly important as the volume of data grows rapidly.

The demand for young professionals in this field is also growing rapidly. Graduates of the Master programme in Cybersecurity will be able to take on management and leadership positions, particularly in areas where the development, maintenance and operation of complex security systems play a key role. As security engineers, security analysts, privacy officers, chief security officers or IT security entrepreneurs, IT security professionals identify and address weaknesses, vulnerabilities and security gaps in IT systems. Graduates of this Master programme are expected to work across all industries, primarily in large organizations, but also in academia. The MSc. in Cybersecurity can be completed in eight quarters. The course focuses on the research and development of a new generation of security strategies, methods and techniques for monitoring and securing complex IT infrastructures.

Whether it is the characteristics of different categories of cyber-attacks, cryptographic algorithms, data protection approaches or advanced threat detection methods, the teaching in this programme is primarily practice-oriented and characterized by engineeringbased solutions to IT security problems. The German UDS welcomes students with a Bachelor degree from all STEM disciplines and other backgrounds, and are looking for people with ideas about how their unique perspective and diverse experiences can contribute to this young and fastevolving industry.
Program Objectives

The aim of this Master program is to train students with comprehensive technical, methodological and social/personal skills to meet the increasing demands in the field of IT security. Teaching should be strongly hands-on and practice-orientated and follow the principle of “learning by doing”. In terms of content, the focus is on the development and research of a new generation of security strategies, methods and techniques for the monitoring and protecting complex IT infrastructures. The planned teaching focus is on:

Enterprise Security: AI-powered Security Operations, Big Data Security Analytics, Corporate and Business Security, Cloud Security, etc.

Secure Identity Management (Secure IdM): digital identities and innovative authentication and access control mechanisms for complex use cases and scenarios with high-security requirements, e.g. governments, military, healthcare and finance, etc.

Exemplary Study Program

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Benefit from our large pool of electives and take the opportunity to specialize individually in your field of interest.

A special feature of our degree programs is the great freedom of choice. While students on each study program must take 50% of the elective modules from a specified subject area designed specifically for the individual study programs, the rest can be chosen freely from the entire electives pool.

Unique Features

Applicable across multiple industries: medicine, business, entertainment, architecture, journalism and more.

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