Directions to our headquarter

The CloudHouse in Potsdam, our headquarter

Our headquater is located in the CloudHouse .

Directions to our headquarter

German University of Digital Science gGmbH i. Gr.

Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 14, 14482 Potsdam

Located next to Griebnitzsee station for both S-Bahn and Regional Railway, the German UDS offers easy train access with quick connections to the city centers of Berlin and Potsdam. Free parking for cars and bikes is available along Marlene-Dietrich-Allee.

Public Transport Options

Arrival from Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)

Arrival by Train

Arrival by Public Transport

You can plan your trip from Berlin via the BVG website or from Potsdam via SWP. Although the German UDS is officially located in Potsdam, the Berlin public transport website covers all routes to the university. The Berlin ABC ticket (€4.40) includes Potsdam zones, ensuring full coverage for travel to the German UDS.

Arrival by Taxi

Arrival by Car

Walking from Griebnitzsee Station

The German UDS is a 1.2 km walk (about 15 minutes) from Griebnitzsee station. Please see the map for detailed walking instructions.